Five-Step Consulting Process

Team Bayanihan Way

1. Discover your unique ability.

Our consultants will invest time in understanding your needs for team building. Doctors call this diagnostic. We engage in discovery.

Often, we start this stage even before you hire Team Bayanihan. We aim to learn if we are the right team-building provider for you. If others can help you better, we tell you too.

We lead you to the discovery of your SOAR: Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results. We explore the unique ability of your team to succeed. We want to highlight the mindset, attitude, and behaviors that can make your team improve and perform at your best.

We use assessment tools to help you discover your positives.

2. Design experiences and develop team tools.

Once we have identified how to move forward, our LX designers and facilitators will design your team-building experience, including pre-and post-workshop activities.

We will also identify tools, activities, and games to help bring out the desired learning outputs.

3. Deliver the experience.

We hold four-hour workshops for multi-day team-building experiences.

In the Philippines, many sales rallies allocate 3 to 4 hours for team building. A group of 100 may have a one-day team building. And smaller teams do overnight sessions on beaches and resorts.

Our multi-day programs are usually for team leaders and executives whose learning outputs are the solutions they seek. These solutions include promoting accountability, employee engagement, team coaching and mentoring, and other competency-based team building.

To help you identify which one is for you, we can send you a catalog of our programs.

Most providers end here. And you may terminate the process here too. But to be truly effective, we encourage you to go to the next step.

4. Engage the team to take action.

Many team-building programs, like most seminars in the Philippines, end at the event. Everyone congratulates the winners. Facilitators celebrate themselves for doing a great job in making people happy.

Our journey begins with discovery. Once we have identified the best behaviors of your team, we want to help them make these behaviors normal. Once conflicts are solved, we don’t want them to keep on coming back.

So, our team building continues. We engage people for the next steps. This may require them to set goals and meet their bosses once a month. It may also involve us. We can design online courses or do monthly webinars for you to strengthen the resolve of everyone to make extraordinary success happen.

5. Evaluate to elevate.

When was the last time you evaluated the effectiveness of your team building? Unfortunately, most team-building programs are never measured.

Some providers require you to fill in a feedback form. But these form evaluates the facilitators rather than your team.

We can help you evaluate your team’s improvement from X to Y. You can make adjustments to your progress if you evaluate the impact of your team building. It also tells people that you are serious about helping them build teams.

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